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Oceanographic data collection

AUTONOMOUS SURVEY PROCEDURES CONDUCTED WITH UNCREWED SURFACE VESSELS can offer safer and more efficient advanced data collection utilizing advanced oceanographic, meteorological, geophysical, or biological sensor packages in order to elevate the speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of oceanographic research in a wide array of industries.

Fishery and habitat surveys

Advanced fish-finding sonars can be easily integrated into any USV allowing for expedited and cost-effective tracking and mapping of fish habitats prior to commercial fishing operations. A forward-scouting USV with fish-finding sonar greatly reduces the operational cost of previous mapping methods.

Geophysical, biological, and ecological studies

Sensor packages acquiring geophysical, biological, ecological, or chemical data throughout the ocean can be integrated into any of our fleet of USVs. The array of survey operations able to be conducted ranges from bathymetric geohazard mapping to water quality studies to seagrass monitoring to even conducting unexploded ordnance (UXO) survey operations.

Climate and meteorological research

Mounting atmospheric and oceanographic sensors to a USV will allow you to conduct meteorological research analyzing wind speed, wave height, water temperature, and water quality chemical analyses.

We deliver

Data sensors for coastal areas

Our USVs come equipped with a range of geophysical remote sensors allowing them to collect valuable data on key oceanographic parameters such as seabed bathymetry, seabed characterizations, apparent sediment type, water temperature, salinity, and even ocean current patterns. The Otter is particularly effective in shallow and coastal areas where traditional research vessels may encounter navigational difficulties. Its smaller size and ability to navigate in shallow waters makes it well-suited for such environments.

When operating in intercoastal waterways, USVs equipped with advanced imaging technologies including high-resolution cameras and multi-beam sonar systems play a crucial role in mapping and visualizing the seafloor and underwater structures with precision. This capability proves instrumental in supporting habitat characterization, benthic ecosystem studies, and the identification of potential hazards in coastal areas. The combination of sensor data and advanced imaging enhances our capacity for comprehensive oceanographic research and environmental assessment.

Climate change monitoring capabilities

A group of researchers from the Norges Arktiske Universitet (UiT) conducted an exploration mission to evaluate strategies for reducing risks in the Arctic region. Utilizing our Mariner USV equipped with a specialized winch, the team successfully gathered crucial oceanographic data.

This enhanced capability improves our capacity to monitor and forecast climate change, enabling us to make well-informed decisions that contribute to the overall well-being of our oceans.

By leveraging this technology, we aim to refine our ability to accurately monitor climate change patterns, allowing us to make decisions that promote the health and sustainability of our oceans.

Marine life data collection

Utilizing advanced acoustic technologies such as echosounders and sonar, our Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) excel in detecting and tracking marine life, providing precise data on their locations. This critical information is then transmitted to the central operational hub, empowering the entire fleet to make well-informed decisions.

The autonomy and global deployment capabilities of our USVs make them indispensable assets for collecting oceanographic and marine life research data. This capability significantly enhances our understanding of the fishing industry and the broader marine ecosystem. The USV's autonomy and rapid deployment capacity across the globe further solidify its role as a valuable tool for improving our knowledge of marine ecosystems, understanding its threats and their overall health.

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