The Falk UAS in the Cloud
During the second year of AFarCloud, Maritime Robotics has worked on integrating the Falk UAS into the cloud, successfully demonstrating integration of the platform through our in-house vehicle control station software (VCS).
The VCS was then connected to the AFarCloud Mission Management Tool (MMT) software using the DDS middleware. By having the Falk UAS connect to the cloud via VCS, VCS acts as a local control point, ensuring that the legal pilot is in control of the mission. Data is then sent to and from the cloud during operations.
For this year's AFarCloud demonstration, the software integration was tested with multicopters, and then also proven using a simulated mission, due to the complex logistics involved with fixed wing UAS operations. Furthermore, COVID-19 travel restrictions prevented the project partners from all AFarCloud members' countries to come together for the demonstration. We hope that we can cooperate more closely with other AFarCloud members in next year's demonstrations!
Read more about the Falk UAS here.
The AFarCloud MMT showing the planned mission for UAS operations.
The VCS software showing the UAS position during the simulated operations.
The VCS software showing the UAS position at the end of a successful simulation.
This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 783221. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.